The Commissioner,
Civic Centre,
New Delhi
Subject: SDMC Defence Colony, N Delhi UNILATERALLY reducing the width of green belt abutting the Kushak Nullah.
I write this day to bring to your attention SDMC Defence Colony under the care of Executive Engineer (M1) Central Zone, Arjun Marg, Defence Colony; has unilaterally reduced the width of the green belt retaining abutting the Kushak drain, in an apparent move to appease the parking lobby. I reproduce bellow a solemn undertaking give to the undersigned by the Dy Commissioner SDMC Central Zone and the EE(M1), that the green belts would be preserved, protected, increased, improved, and the retaining wall being so constructed would remain the same way as was started, and in fact improved upon. However, that is not so.
Below please find the stated grievance, and assurance given by the then Dy. Commissioner.
Status as on 24 Mar 2015
Registration Number :GNCTD/E/2015/00481
Name of Complainant: Rajeev Suri
Date of Receipt : 27 Jan 2015
Received by : Government of NCT of Delhi
Forwarded to : DC CENTRAL ZONE
Grievance Description :
I am to bring to your attention for urgent action, certain elements are attempting to take over public land of a green belt in Defence Colony, New Delhi 110024, and use it for parking and other illegal purposes. The attempt of the vested interest parties is to get the SDMC to demolish a retaining wall constructed, so that they can take over the land and use it for parking and other purposes. Such blatant land grab of public land has to be stopped immediately, and SDMC issued strict instructions preventing them from upsetting the status quo of the Green Belts, or altering their protection of the plantations in the Green Belts in any way. A CAG audit may be ordered to the utilization of public funds.
Faithfully Rajeev Suri
Current Status : CASE CLOSED
Date of Action : 12 Mar 2015
Details : SDMCO reported that Complaint has been attended. In this context, it is submitted that green belt along the nallah will not be disturbed and pavement will not be disturbed.
Presently, in a brazen attempt to grab land for personal purposes, residents in cahoots with authorities have narrowed the construction width of the green belt to a mere few feet, thereby losing the essence of a green belt.
Green Belts as we all know, are essential for our existence. Trees sequester Carbon Dioxideand release Oxygen, trees is a medium for evapotranspiration, thereby maintaining humidity in the atmosphere, and further acting as seeding for rain clouds. Green belts cut roadside generated pollution, and reduce the adverse Particulate Matter in the atmosphere, which lodge in our bronchial tree, causing life threatening / reducing diseases. Trees reduce the ambient temperatures which, with global warming a stark reality, is essential to lower the earth’s temperatures. Trees reduce the impact of Urban Heat Islands, i.e. the heat generated by concretization of our cities, and thereby reduce day night temperatures. In essence, Green Belts is not a choice anymore, a whim or a fancy any more, it is essential to our existence.
Consequently, the lobby that feel parking area is of greater importance than the very essence to our existence, are perhaps oblivious to the enormous benefits, the incalculable impact they have to our existence, and that man cannot exist without a preponderance of nature surrounding him. We owe the forthcoming generations a planet that can sustain mankind, not an inferno patently unlivable.
Thus, officials who take unilateral decisions to build / break / block / concretize without much thought, need to be sensitized to the paramount role the environment plays in our lives. Further, apparent moves by land sharks, self-seeking residents and uncaring officials, need to be redressed by yourselves, and brought to an end immediately. We cannot compromise Green Belts being whittled away to cater to the ever growing car population, or to be used to dump mulba, or for sundry use. Green Belts are the new Temples of India, and must be awarded the care and reverence they deserve.
I look forward to your urgent attention in the matter.
Yours faithfully
Rajeev Suri
D 68 Defence Colony
New Delhi 110024