Monday, January 22, 2018

I walk with you this day!

My brothers in trade,
Today you stay away,
You do not sell your wares,
And hope an uncaring state,
Will worry you make no sale !

My brothers in trade,
You are hurt & in pain,
The uncaring state,
Inflicts more pain,
One more time, again;
Their ultimate aim,
To make the oligarchs gain!

You cry out in anguish,
As minions shut you down,
You implore them, spare me!
I have goods that perish,
My life’s hard work here
But they hear you not;
The sealers warm the lac,
And put the red stamp on !

As you walk the streets,
The mogul of India glows on TV,
Talking glib on growth, fisc and gdp;
For the listeners in Davos,
And  jets in there to say;
‘Invest in India’
But what he does not say,
The state is deaf in here!

Walk bold this day,
Wake the sleeping Goliath,
Let the  Davos world see;
A country made by you and I,
And a state that cares not its people!

I walk with you this day!