Friday, November 24, 2017

Stay hungry, stay foolish !!

Stay hungry, stay foolish !!

If I were asked, what is the singular most fundamental change that took place the 21st Century, my answer would be communication!!

Whilst on an average human knowledge is doubling every 13 months, each day the time is reducing, and for example; 'the internet of things' will lead to a doubling of knowledge ever 12 hours! 

Living in such an era of hyper connectivity, and super appetite for knowledge & information, can we remain uninformed? The obvious answer is no, and the more we communicate with each other, the better for both; the information giver, and the information recipient.

The term IEC; Information, Education, Communication is a term often used for dissemination of educative information by various mediums of communication. Such mechanisms are successfully used by corporate bodies, social organisations, government instrumentality's to reach large audience bases. Social media is an abbreviated form of such information dissemination, however, its left to the recipient to filter the good from the bad.

A most recent example of poor communication was the sordid 'Indigo' (Airlines) episode. The communication teams within Indigo failed to rise to the occasion and contain damage; competition made hay, and tore the airlines to bits. Indigo took a big hit; share prices dipped, the company lost substantial goodwill built over years of excellent aviation, and became the but of ridicule.

Below reproduced is a letter from a leading Kolkata Club; which rightly recognizes the power of communication and its members hunger for information; the President in a very courteous and differential manner, communicates with its members using extremely polite language; "we are conscious of the responsibility and trust you have reposed in us....."  and goes on to give information which is reproduced below. Rightly, Kolkata is considered the last bastion of genteel and decorous behavior; from where we could lift many a leaf! 

'So friends, lets not hesitate in communicating between ourselves; remember, more information is better than no information!! Here I  remember Steve Job's classic Stanford University speech "stay hungry, stay foolish"!! 

And the hunger Steve alludes to is not the food we eat !!


Rajeev Suri